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In 1989, we began composting as an alternative to handling and storing raw hen manure.  Since then, we have used the manure from our laying hens as a highly effective, all-natural soil amendment on our land.


Leveraging our experience as seasoned organic crop farmers we have crafted and are proud to offer high-quality, composted, dehydrated and pelletized fertilizers tailored to diverse soil types and crop needs.


With our fertilizers, farmers can rely on enhanced efficiency, improved yields and the confidence to focus on farming while we take care of their soil's nutritional needs.

White Barn Illustration Photo


We take an innovate approach to fertilizer production including composting the manure before pelletizing it. Composting the manure helps duplicate what would naturally occur with soil microbes over time.  This unique process ensures that the nutrients become readily available to the soil, providing an immediate impact on crop health and yields.

Our compost is then heat treated to NOP standards and our crumbled pellets go through an additional heat treatment process, effectively killing weed seeds and bacteria, ensuring the product is safe for use in growing the finest food for you, your family and your customers.

Our approach not only ensures a safe product but also yields a fertilizer which flows easily through planters, providing a uniform distribution of nutrients across your growing crops.


We have custom designed and engineered biofilters on our farms and mill locations to help mitigate odors generated. 


Chicken Icon Outlined in White


By-Product of Egg Farms

Composted, pelletized, and dried into granular pellets

Compost Pile Icon in White


Performs well from start to finish and is blended before pelleting so it will not separate out.

Sprout Icon in White


Provides excellent nutritional value, aids in improving soil structure, and is approved for Organic usage


As part of our sustainability initiatives, we create premium-quality fertilizer from compost, tailored for crop farmers to enhance crop production and provide essential nutrients to the soil. 

Our commitment extends to using this fertilizer on our own lands, specifically those dedicated to growing feed for our hens. 


Kreher's Bushel & Peck Logo
Kreher fertilizer bag image
Green Leaf Icon

5-4-3 OMRI Listed

Pelleted compost is best used as a starter through the planter or as a side dress for vegetables. 


One of the benefits of the pelleted compost is that it will flow easily through drop spreaders.

Green Leaf Icon

4-3-10 Blend

Our 4-3-10 consists of composted poultry manure and OMRI listed sulfate of potash. 


The blend is pelleted and crumbled and flows easily. No other ingredients are needed.  This product is best used as a starter where Potassium levels
are low or crop needs are high.

Green Leaf Icon

8-2-2 Blend

Our 8-2-2 consists of composted poultry manure and feather meal. 


It supplies slow release nitrogen to those soils with naturally high levels of Phosphate.

Green Leaf Icon

7-2-6 Blend

Our 7-2-6 consists of composted poultry manure, organically approved feather meal, OMRI listed blood meal,

and OMRI listed sulfate of potash. 


The blood meal helps provide a quicker Nitrogen release that sustains over time, as well as a boost of Potassium.

Our 4-3-10, 8-2-2, and 7-2-6
have been reviewed and approved for use by Vermont Organic Farmers, LLC.

Vermont Certified Organic Logo


"We have been composting manure for over 30 years and have developed a dry, flowable product for use in organic vegetable production.  Our process has both biological and heat treatment steps to make sure the product is safe for use in growing the finest food for you, your family and your customers."


Hal K.

Tel: 716-759-6802

Mon - Fri     7:30am-4pm

Fax: 716-759-8687

Mon - Fri     7am-3pm

5411 Davison Road
PO Box 410
Clarence, NY 14031-0410

© Copyright Kreher Family Farms
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